Effective as of: 24 Feb, 2023
Last updated: 24 Feb, 2023

Sasi Group Pty Ltd. Creators of Original & Mineral
ABN 45 125 823 305  

At Sasi Group Pty Ltd t/as Original & Mineral (“O&M”, “we”, “us” “our” and similar expressions), trust and respect are at the core of our customer relationships. We are committed to protecting the privacy of you and all individuals who provide their personal information to us to ensure we maintain this trust and respect. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, hold, use and disclose the personal information you provide to us while: (a) interacting with any of our websites located at a domain or subdomain owned by us (including but not limited the websites https://originalmineral.com, https://originalmineral.com.au and https://originalmineralpro.com) (Websites); (b) purchasing our products or using our services (including any application on the Websites, our pages on third party social media platforms including but not limited Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and any other applications or websites we establish from time to time); and (c) interacting with any of our employees, contractors or representatives, (collectively, the Services).

This Privacy Policy also outlines how you can seek access to, or corrections of, personal information we hold about you, how you can approach us about queries and complaints, and how we will deal with such concerns and complaints.

By using our Services or otherwise providing us with your personal information, you agree that you have read and accept the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions which can be accessed through the links displayed at the footer of each page of the Websites. If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy please contact our Privacy and Data Protection Officer, details of which are provided in section 13 of this Privacy Policy. 

What this Privacy Policy covers:

  1. Types of personal information we collect
  2. Why we collect personal information
  3. How we disclose personal information
  4. How we store personal information
  5. Overseas disclosure of personal information
  6. Opting out of marketing and advertising materials
  7. Security of personal information
  8. Accessing your personal information
  9. Updating your personal information
  10. Children’s privacy
  11. Website usage, tracking information and cookies
  12. How we update this Privacy Policy
  13. How you can contact us regarding queries, concerns or complaints
  14. Supporting documents

1. Types of personal information we collect
So that we can provide you with our Services, we may need to collect personal information from you or about your use of our Services. Please be aware that you can choose whether to provide us with the types of information described below, but your choices may affect our ability to offer you part or all of our Services. When you use our Services, we may collect personal information from you, including personal information generally covered in the following categories of information you provide to us when accessing or using our Services.

1.1 Registration Information. By registering an account with us, you authorise us to collect any information you make available to us when accessing or using our Services. This may include contact information such as your given name, surname, phone and mobile numbers, email address, company name and position and similar data or information. 

1.2 User Content. If you interact with us over the phone or in writing we may collect suggestions, questions, comments, feedback, and other information you send to us, that you provide to us when you contact us, or that you post using our Services (including information in alerts, folders, notes, and shares of content) and similar data.

1.3 Ordering Information. If you purchase products or services from us or through our Services, we will require your shipping and billing addresses to process your transaction and our payment gateway provider or third party suppliers may also require your credit card details. Your credit card details will not be stored in any form by us.

1.4 Third Party Information. We may receive information about you from third parties that you have authorised to share such information with us.

1.5 Communication with us. When you communicate with us in any way (e.g., telephone, email, feedback forms, SMS, etc.), we will collect your contact information and any other information you may choose to provide to us.

1.6 Sensitive Information. We may also collect information from you that could be considered “sensitive information” as described in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which may provide us with additional information about you including your racial or ethnic origin and health. If we collect such sensitive information from you, we will seek your consent before or at the time we seek it and will only collect as much sensitive information from you as is reasonably necessary to carry out the Services.

Information about your use of our Services. We also collect information about you passively when you use or access our Services including through:

1.7 Mobile data. You may access or use our Services via a mobile device or application. We may collect information about you and your device, such as your IP address, location or device information, and any other information provided by your mobile device. If you do not want us to collect your location information you can disable the GPS or location-tracking function of your device.

1.8 Third-party plugins. In some cases, we may have integrated a third-party plugin into our Services and the use of such third-party plugins results in data collection by us as well as the relevant third party. Please refer to the third party’s privacy statement to understand their data handling practices as we do not control the information you may share with them.

1.9 Device & Browser Information. We may collect network and connection information (including Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses), device and browser identifiers and information (including device, application, or browser type, version, plug-in type and version, operating system, user agent, language and time zone settings, and other technical information), advertising identifiers, cookie identifiers and information, and similar data.

1.10 Browsing History on the Websites: such as usage metrics (including usage rates) content interactions (including searches, views, downloads, prints, shares, streams, and display or playback details), and user journey history (including clickstreams and page navigation, URLs, timestamps, content viewed or searched for, page response times, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and download errors), advertising interactions (including when and how you interact with marketing and advertising materials, click rates, purchases or next steps you may make after seeing an advertisement, and marketing preferences) and similar data.

1.11 Cookies and similar tracking technologies. We use both first-party and third-party cookies, and similar tracking technologies on our Services. A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your device and collects information, such as your IP address or information about your use of or your activities on our Services. Further information about this is detailed below in the section titled ‘Website Usage, Tracking Information and Cookies’.

2. Why we collect personal information
We collect your personal information so we can carry out our business activities in a professional and efficient manner, provide the requested Services to you and continually improve our Services. We also collect your personal information for the following purposes:

2.1 To set up and configure customer accounts;

2.2 To process orders for our products and services and deliver the items you have purchased;

2.3 To communicate information and updates with you related to your orders, account or our Services;

2.4 To provide you personalised offers or make recommendations related to your account or products and services you have indicated an interest in. For example, wish lists, abandoned carts, and responding to item availability requests;

2.5 To provide marketing content, information and updates on our Services

2.6 To provide user support, and respond to your enquiries and concerns and to resolve disputes;

2.7 To personalise and/or improve your use of the Services;

2.8 To collect fees and payments owing to us;

2.9 To detect and prevent fraud and abuse to ensure the security and protection of us and all of our customers and visitors;

2.10 To identify and authenticate your access to any of our Services;

2.11 To exercise our rights to protect other users, and/or our property, including taking action against those that seek to violate or abuse our Services;

2.12 To comply with our legal obligations;

2.13 To detect, prevent and investigate potential or actual fraud or other harmful activity to you, us or any third party;

2.14 Any purpose disclosed to you and to which you have consented; and

2.15 Any secondary purpose related to the above points (a) – (n), or in the case of sensitive information is directly related to the above points (a) – (n).

3. How we disclose personal information

In carrying out our business activities, we may disclose personal information we collect to others, including:

  1. To our other companies in our corporate group;
  2. To our employees, contractors or service providers to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfill our obligations to you;
  3. To third parties that we use to provide our Services including:
    1. Our technology software providers including, but not limited to; our website content management systems, our customer relationship database, email marketing software providers, social media management software providers, payment gateway and accounting software; and
    2. Our agents, partners, contractors, or third party service providers who help us fulfill a Service including but not limited to; banks, accountants, mail houses and logistics companies, information and technology companies, data centers, legal counsel, marketing, PR and strategy providers.
    Where we share your information with such service providers, we will use reasonable endeavors to ensure that the transfer is subject to protections required by applicable laws (e.g., contractual protections which limit those recipients’ use of your personal information).
    1. Where the law requires us, or authorises us, or a company holding data on our behalf, to do so;
    2. To third parties involved in a business transaction with us, such as in the case of a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets (but only where such third parties are subject to obligations of confidentiality);
    3. To detect and prevent fraud;
    4. To members of O&M user groups, for example discussion groups where you have opted-in to that user group, or where you take part in any interactive areas of the Websites or your account; and
    5. Where you have given express consent to us for a prescribed purpose.

    We will not sell, distribute, rent or licence your personal information onto any third parties. Should a third party approach us with a demand to access your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to redirect the third party to request the information directly from you, wherever it is lawful and reasonable for us to do so.
    If we are compelled by law to disclose your personal information to a third party we will take reasonable steps to notify you of this in advance, wherever it is lawful and reasonable for us to do so.

    4. How we store personal information

    We will retain your information for as long as permitted under applicable laws to conduct the O&M business, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. When we dispose of personal information, we ensure that it is destroyed or de-identified in a secure fashion according to industry standards and as required by law.

    5. Overseas disclosure of personal information

    As a global organisation, we may store, use, transfer, and otherwise process your personal information in countries outside of the country of your residence (which may include Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States). By using our Services, you consent to O&M’s transfer to, and handling of, your personal information in a jurisdiction which may have different (and less stringent) data protection rules than the country in which you reside.

    6. Opting-Out of Marketing and Advertising Materials
    We may conduct surveys or market research and may send other marketing or promotional information about your account, or our products and Services to you from time to time.  Where we use your personal information for such purposes, we will provide unsubscribe links or an opt-out mechanism for your convenience. You can notify us at any time if you no longer wish to receive such materials from us. To opt out of any of these additional communications at any time, please contact our Privacy and Data Protection Officer, details of which are provided in section 13 of this Privacy Policy. Please note that, even if you opt-out of receiving marketing or advertising emails from us, we may still send you transactional emails related to the performance of our Services or your account with us, including administrative emails, maintenance emails, operational emails (for example, in connection with a password reset request), and responses to any “contact” request you initiate. We may also restart sending you marketing or advertising emails if you later opt-in.

    7. Security of personal information

    We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is kept confidential and secure and take appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent misuse, unlawful or accidental destruction, accidental loss, unauthorised disclosure, modification, interference or access to or other unlawful forms of processing.

    We will not rent, trade, distribute or sell any personal information that you give us to any third party unless we receive your prior consent or an applicable law permits the same. Personal information we collect and store is stored on secure servers, and is only accessible by those persons who need access to the information in order to carry out their business functions. We also maintain physical security measures to protect the use and storage of physical records containing personal information.

    You acknowledge that no method of transmission or electronic storage is completely secure, and we cannot control the security of data collected, stored, and disclosed on third party platforms. However, if your information is disclosed to third party service providers, we will enter into arrangements which require them to maintain the security of your information.

    8. Accessing Your Personal information

    You may request that we provide you with access to the Personal information we hold about you by contacting us using the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy. You may request the erasure of your data from our business at any time. However, privacy and data legislation in your jurisdiction may set out certain circumstances where we may deny, or only partially comply with such a request. These circumstances may include, for example, where:
    1. access would pose a serious threat to the life, safety or health of any individual or to public health or public safety;
    2. access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals;
    3. the request is frivolous or vexatious;
    4. denying access is required or authorised by a law or a court or tribunal order;
    5. access would be unlawful; or
    6. access may prejudice commercial negotiations, legal proceedings, enforcement activities or appropriate action being taken in respect of a suspected unlawful activity or serious misconduct.

    If you require access to any information we hold about you, we request that you identify, as clearly as possible, the type of information requested.  We will respond to your request to provide access to your personal information within a reasonable period after the request is made, and you agree we may charge you our reasonable costs incurred in supplying you with access to this information as permitted by the jurisdiction you reside in. If so, we will provide you with a written estimate of the fee prior to commencing work to complete your request.

    9. Updating Your Personal Information
    We take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that:

    1. the personal information we collect and store, is accurate, up to date and complete; and
    2. the personal information we use and disclose is accurate, up to date, complete and relevant.

    If you believe that information we hold about you may not be up to date, complete and accurate, you may notify us by contacting us using the contact details below.

    If we refuse to change the personal information as you request, we will provide you with reasons for our refusal, unless we are permitted by applicable law to withhold them. We will also provide details of how you may make a complaint about our decision. Further, in case of our refusal, you may request that we take reasonable steps to associate, with the relevant information, a statement that you view it as inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or misleading.

    In the case we have corrected personal information about you, we will notify third parties of such correction as required by applicable laws. Where applicable law does not require us to do so, you may nevertheless request that we give notice of the correction to any third party to third parties to which we have disclosed the inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or misleading personal information and we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to provide that notification.

    These mechanisms for correcting your personal information operate alongside and do not replace, other informal or legal procedures by which you may be provided correction of your personal information.

    10. Children’s Privacy

    We do not and do not intend to, transact through any of our Services directly with anyone we know to be under the age of 18 and do not knowingly collect information from such individuals. If you are under the age of 18, you should use our Services only with the involvement of a parent or guardian and should not submit any personal information to us. By providing any personal information to us, you declare that you are over the age of 18. If we become aware that an individual under 18 years of age has provided us with their personal information, we will take reasonable steps to delete that information as soon as practicable. If you become aware that information has been provided to us by an individual who is under 18 years of age you must notify us immediately by contacting our Privacy Officer, using the contact details set out in section 13 of this Privacy Policy.

    11. Website usage, tracking information and cookies

    Cookies are small pieces of data, stored in text files that are stored on your computer or other device when websites are loaded in a browser. They are widely used to “remember” you and your preferences, either for a single visit (through a “session cookie”) or for multiple repeat visits (using a “persistent cookie”). They ensure a consistent and efficient experience for visitors, and perform essential functions such as allowing users to register and remain logged in or remember your preferences. Cookies may be set by the site that you are visiting (known as “first party cookies”), or by third parties, such as those who serve content or provide advertising or analytics services on the website (“third party cookies”).

    How We Use Cookies
    To help us provide you the best possible user experience and support we place cookies in a number of different places across our Services. These locations may include:

    1. Our websites including video tv channels like YouTube and Vimeo; and
    2. Our emails we send.

    We use cookies for several different purposes. Some cookies are necessary for technical reasons eg: to provide a personalised experience for both you and our other registered users; some are to allow the display of advertising from selected third party networks. Some of these cookies may be set when a page is loaded, or when a user takes a particular action on one of our Services. Many of the cookies we use are only set if you are a registered user, while others are set whenever you visit or use one of our Services (irrespective of whether you have an account). For more information on the choices you have about the cookies we use, please see the Section entitled Managing Cookies below.

    Types of Cookies we use
    Our websites, email and other Services may contain Cookies and other tracking technologies including:

    1. Web beacons or pixels: These are typically small transparent images that provide us with statistics, for similar purposes as cookies. They are often used in conjunction with cookies, though they are not stored on your computer in the same way as cookies. As a result, if you disable cookies, web beacons may still load, but their functionality will be restricted.
    2. Flash Cookies: Also known as local shared objects, these are designed to support browser content supported by Adobe® Flash. They are usually used to enable ads and video content on websites. Like other cookies, they will store information on your device, some of which will be specific to the Flash-enabled content. Flash cookies can only be deleted within Adobe Flash rather than via your browser. Please refer to the following help page for information on how to manage your privacy settings and deletion of Flash cookies: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager.html
    3. Performance Cookies or “tags”: Performance cookies collect information on how you interact with our Services, including what pages you visit most on our websites, the order you view pages in, or search terms used on our website, as well as other analytical data. We use these details to understand how users interact with our Services and improve our Services function for you as an end user.
    4. Functionality Cookies: these cookies are used to store your preferences set when you create accounts with us which may include remembering your name, email address, geographical location. These cookies are also essential for our Services to perform their basic functions for you which may also include, saving an item to your Wish List, or ecommerce shopping cart.
    5. Third Party / Embedded Content: Some Services hosted by us make use of different third party applications and services to enhance your experience. These include social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (through the use of sharing buttons) or referral program software. As a result, cookies may be set by these third parties, and used by them to track your online activity. We have no direct control over the information that is collected by these cookies.

    Interest-based advertising, sometimes referred to as “targeted advertising”, “online behavioural advertising”, and “personalised advertising”, allows us to deliver personalised and/or targeted advertising to individuals that are tailored to individual interests, as well as to provide advertising-related services such as ad delivery, reporting, attribution, analytics, and market research. We serve interest-based advertising using information you make available to us when you interact with our Services and other sites, content, or products or services, which may be supplemented by third parties as discussed below. We deliver interest-based advertising on unaffiliated sites, and through our Services like Facebook and Google search results pages.

    Like other online advertising networks, we use cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to enable us to learn about what ads you are served, what ads you click, and other actions you take on our sites, on other sites, and sometimes offline (collectively, “Ad Stats”). This allows us to provide you with more useful and relevant ads.

    We allow third party companies to collect certain information when you visit our websites or use our Services. Third party advertisers and other third parties (including ad networks, ad delivery or ad serving companies, and other service providers they may use) may also collect information about your Ad Stats, in which they may use that information to assume that users who interact with or click on a personalised ad or content are part of the group that the ad or content is directed towards. Also, some third parties may provide us with information about you (such as the sites where you have been shown ads, your Ad Stats, and/or demographic information) from offline and online sources that we may use to provide you more relevant and useful advertising.

    Advertisers or ad companies working on their behalf sometimes use technology to serve the ads that appear on our sites or Services directly to your browser. They automatically receive your IP address and/or information from cookies when this happens. They may also use third party cookies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalise ad content. We do not have access to or control over third party cookies or other features that advertisers and third party sites may use, and the privacy practices of these advertisers and third party websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Please contact them directly for more information about their privacy practices.

    Managing Cookies and opting out of advertising
    You may wish to restrict the use of cookies or completely prevent them from being set. Most modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. You can usually find these settings in the options or preferences menu of your browser. To understand these settings, the following links for commonly used browsers may be helpful, or you can use the help option in your browser for more details:

    If you do choose to disable cookies, please be aware that some of the features of our Services may not function correctly.

    You can opt out of Google Analytics by installing Google’s opt-out browser add-on. And on a mobile device, you may also be to adjust your settings to limit ad tracking.  

    For more details on your choices regarding use of your web browsing activity for interest-based advertising you may visit the following sites:

    Please note that some of the options described in the paragraphs above that you select are browser-specific or device-specific, so you may need to opt-out again if you delete cookies, use a different device, or change browsers.

    12. How we update this Privacy Policy 

    We regularly review and updated this Privacy Policy including for legal and regulatory reasons, as our group grows, or if we adopt new technologies, business practices and processes to support our customers’ evolving needs. We reserve the right to amend our Privacy Policy at any time. Any updates will be publicised on our website and we may choose to also update you via email. You should continue check our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use regularly to see the current policy that is in effect and any changes or updates that may have been made to it.

    13. Queries, concerns and complaints

    If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the manner in which we have collected, stored, used or disclosed your personal information, or if you would like to provide any ideas about how we could improve our Privacy Policy, please contact our Privacy and Data Protection Officer by emailing privacy@originalmineral.com or by postal service at the address below:

    Original & Mineral
    Level 2, 17 Eveleigh Street, Redfern NSW 2016

    You acknowledge that we may, without any obligation to compensate or attribute you, use any suggestions, materials or feedback you provide to us to improve our Services or how we handle personal information, regardless of how we use, implement, copy, modify, display, distribute and/or otherwise benefit from your suggestions, materials or feedback.

    We will treat your complaint confidentially and, after investigating your complaint, discuss the ways in which we can remedy the situation. We will ensure that we respond to your complaint within a reasonable time (and in any event within the time required by privacy and data protection legislation in your jurisdiction).

    If you believe that the unlawful processing of your personal information has been carried out, you can also file a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for regulating the compliance with privacy and data protections laws in your jurisdiction. See below for details of where complaint should be presented to for each jurisdiction:

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