CØR.color Powder Lighteners
COR.color Keratin Lightener Blue 1kg (Ammonia Free)
Our Keratin Lightener comes in two variantsAmmonia (O&M Keratin Lightener) andAmmonia-free (O&M Keratin White Lightener andO&M Keratin Blue Lightener). Both work to gentlyand efficiently lift using their own Keratin aminoacid complex. Keratin’s protein structure is similarto the hair’s own structure...
COR.color Keratin Lightener White 1kg (Ammonia Free)
Our Keratin Lightener comes in two variants Ammonia (O&M Keratin Lightener) and Ammonia-free (O&M Keratin White Lightener and O&M Keratin Blue Lightener). Both work to gently and efficiently lift using their own Keratin amino acid complex. Keratin’s protein structure is similar to the...
COR.color Keratin Lightener White 500g (Ammonia Free)
Our Keratin Lightener comes in two variants Ammonia (O&M Keratin Lightener) and Ammonia-free (O&M Keratin White Lightener and O&M Keratin Blue Lightener). Both work to gently and efficiently lift using their own Keratin amino acid complex. Keratin’s protein structure is similar to the...
O&M Paint Powder 500g
O&M has created a paint powder that provides brilliant results for Hair Painting, Balayage and open air highlighting, while keeping the integrity of the hair condition.
COR.color Keratin Lightener 1kg (with Ammonia)
Our Keratin Lightener comes in two variants Ammonia (O&M Keratin Lightener) and Ammonia-free (O&M Keratin White Lightener and O&M Keratin Blue Lightener). Both work to gently and efficiently lift using their own Keratin amino acid complex. Keratin’s protein structure is...